Quick Tips to Boost Wellness When the Clocks Change


Sleep science can provide valuable insights into how to beat the gloom of the clocks changing in October and maintain productivity. Here are some top tips to help you navigate this transition effectively:

Gradual Adjustment:

The abrupt change in the clocks can disrupt your circadian rhythm.

Tip: to minimise this impact, start adjusting your sleep schedule a few days before the time change. Go to bed and wake up 15-30 minutes earlier each day until you're aligned with the new time.

Light Exposure:

This plays a crucial role in regulating our circadian rhythms. Light suppresses melatonin production, making us feel awake and alert.

Tip: In the morning, expose yourself to natural light as soon as possible. Spend time outdoors or open curtains to let in sunlight. This helps signal to your brain that it's time to wake up and can enhance your mood and alertness.

Sleep Hygiene:

According to the cognitive-behavioural model of insomnia, our thoughts and behaviours can impact sleep quality.

Tip: Practice good sleep hygiene by creating a relaxing bedtime routine. Engage in calming activities like reading or deep breathing to reduce anxiety and create a positive sleep environment. This can help you fall asleep faster and improve sleep quality.

Circadian Rhythm Awareness:

The brain's suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) regulates your circadian rhythm, the internal body clock that governs your sleep-wake cycle. When the clocks change, your SCN needs time to adjust to the new schedule.

Tip: Recognise that your body may take a few days to adapt to the time change. Be patient with yourself and try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends. This consistency will help your brain's SCN synchronise with the new time.



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